Hello, World!
Welcome to the personal homepage of Bas Lijnse. I am a programmer, researcher and teacher. I am interested in all the wonderful ways we can use computers to help us do the things we want to do.
I currently work as associate professor of operational ICT at the Netherlands Defence Academy.
Task-Oriented Programming
Most of my research and hobby programming projects are related to Task-Oriented Programming (TOP). This is a programming paradigm based on the notion of tasks. While the idea is a simple one: the structure of a software system should reflect the structure of the task that the program is being written for, it is far from trivial to implement.
I wrote my PhD thesis about TOP and its applications in crisis management and command and control. I find the inherent tradeoffs between effective response through structured preparation and the need for flexibility and improvisation in these high-stakes domains fascinating. Designing and building effective support systems in these contexts is definitely not a solved problem yet.
I have been one of the main developers of the iTask Framework, a web-based application development framework for Task-Oriented Programming. These days I try to apply the TOP concepts to broader set of applications and programming languages.
Throughout most of my professional life so far, writing and publishing about programming (research) has been part of my work. You can find an overview of some of the things I have written on this page, on my Researchgate page, or just through Google Scholar.